Descripción General Del Plan TCG 457(b)
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Investment advisory services offered through TCG Advisors, an SEC registered investment advisor. Insurance Services offered through HUB International. Recordkeeper and Third Party Administrator services offered through TCG Administrators, a HUB International Company. FinPath is offered through RPW Solutions.
HUB International, owns and operates several other entities which provide various services to employers and individuals across the U.S. Employees of HUB International may offer securities through partner Broker Dealers not affiliated with HUB. Employees of HUB International provide advisory services through both affiliated and unaffiliated Registered Investment Advisors (RIA). Global Retirement Partners, LLC, HUB Investment Advisors, TCG Advisors, Millennium Advisory Services, and Sheridan Road Advisors, LLC are wholly owned subsidiaries of HUB International.
This message is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security, or as an offer to provide advisory or other services in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. All statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, including any statements that relate to future market conditions, results, strategies, opportunities, positioning or prospects. Economic and market conditions change frequently, there can be no assurance that the trends described here will continue or that any forecasts are accurate. Remember all investing involves risk.
The information contained in this presentation is not intended to be a complete discussion of all federal or state income tax requirements. This information cannot be used by an investor to avoid any income tax penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. Investors should seek advice from a financial and/or tax advisor about the potential tax implications of their investments through TCG Advisors or HUB International, based on their individual circumstances.
Registration is required to use FinPath. Tax and estate planning services may be offered through third-party vendors. TeleWealth services and Retirement Plan Specialist are offered through TCG Advisors, a HUB International company.