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Learn how to take control of your finances. Read our blog posts below on debt, budgeting, investing and more.

Investing at Every Age

Investing at Every Age

How to Invest at Every Age Investing is often seen as a tool reserved for the financially savvy or...

September Market Commentary The Finish Line or the Starting Gate?

September Market Commentary The Finish Line or the Starting Gate?

The Finish Line or the Starting Gate?   August Recap and September Outlook As summer ends and September continues, attention is focused on the long-anticipated change in the Fed’s monetary policy, from holding rates steady to returning rates to lower levels. July and...

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How Much Do You Need To Retire?

How Much Do You Need To Retire?

Retirement is an exciting chapter in life but challenging financially. It’s that point where you’re not working or actively involved in income-generating activities, yet, you spend lots of money paying your bills, going on holidays or engaging in your favorite...

How To Retire Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Retire Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

For those of us in our working years, a common daydream is that nebulous date when we might retire and spend all of our time exactly how we want to. Suppose you want retirement to be a reality for you sooner rather than later. In that case, you will have to take some...

January Market Commentary  Is Rate Relief In Sight?

January Market Commentary Is Rate Relief In Sight?

January Market Commentary  Is Rate Relief In Sight?  December Recap and January Outlook The drama around the timing of the Federal Reserve’s first cuts to the key short-term interest rate continued in last few weeks of the old year and into the first week of the new...

December Market Commentary: Rates: Lower and Sooner?

December Market Commentary: Rates: Lower and Sooner?

November Recap and December Outlook After a year in which Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell managed to hold everyone’s attention – again – here we are waiting for the outcome of the last FOMC meeting of the year. A few weeks ago, with the narrative of rates being...

November Market Commentary: Powell on Rate Cuts: Nope.

November Market Commentary: Powell on Rate Cuts: Nope.

October Recap and November Outlook The Federal Reserve's November meeting went as the market expected: no change in rates. What wasn't expected was the October and early November rollercoaster of bond yields. And by rollercoaster, think Kingda Ka. The ten-year U.S....

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