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Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement can be difficult. Learn how to prepare for retirement, what types of retirement plans available and how they work.

How To Retire Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Retire Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

For those of us in our working years, a common daydream is that nebulous date when we might retire and spend all of our time exactly how we want to. Suppose you want retirement to be a reality for you sooner rather than later. In that case, you will have to take some...

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Cash Flow Planning When Approaching Retirement

Cash Flow Planning When Approaching Retirement

Cash Flow Planning When Approaching Retirement Pre-retirement planning is one of the most challenging stages of the financial journey. You’re still fully engaged in your career, but you’re also looking ahead to a big transition that will see you shift from...

What happens to your retirement plan when you change jobs?

What happens to your retirement plan when you change jobs?

So, you landed the new job, you’re excited, going through all the job-related changes, getting up to speed, and more – but what happens to your old 401(k)? It’s probably the last thing on your list, and that’s why for most people, it stays where it is. There’s an...

TRS-Care, Medicare and TRS Annuity Options

TRS-Care, Medicare and TRS Annuity Options

Thanks everybody for joining today. We're gonna discuss some TRS options Healthcare and other insurance and retirement. This presentation is going to be a little shorter than the TRS and Social Security presentation that you have may have watched in the previous...

Create a personalized comprehensive retirement plan

Create a personalized comprehensive retirement plan

You were looking forward to your retirement. When that day comes, you hope you've saved enough money to cover your expenses and have some leftover for fun. But it can be tricky to come up with a plan to meet your goals. How much should I save? When can I retire? What...

How do I pick a financial planner for retirement?

How do I pick a financial planner for retirement?

Consider asking your financial planner how they get paid and if they are a fiduciary. Then meet with them to discuss their service options and learn whether they meet your needs. Lastly, pick a planner you get along with and trust. You will be working with them to...

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